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Programmez en ligne. C'est simple, rapide et sécurisé.

What is Medically Supervised Weight Management?

  • We integrate medical evaluation, nutritional counseling, exercise guidance and behavior modification to help you reach your goals.

  • For us to prepare for your appointment, we require you to complete this pre-visit questionnaire. Please answer all questions completely and honestly.


What should I expect in the beginning of my program?

  • You will meet with one of our providers and members of our staff for an initial appointment. you will receive a comprehensive evaluation that will include review of your medical, nutrition, exercise, and behavior history.

  • Lab work and/or testing may be recommended/ordered.


How often do I come in?

  • Depending on your needs, we will see you approximately once every 4 weeks.


Will my insurance cover this?

  • Weight Management visits are covered by most major insurance carriers.

  • Certain insurance plans may have restrictions regarding the number of visits that they allow and/or diagnosis used.

  • Weight loss medication coverage will depend on your insurance. If not covered, the cost of the weight loss medication is due at the time of visit and prior to ordering/receiving the medication.

Frequent Questions

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